Every year I go out west with 4 friends and do a week long hiking trip in some beautiful, rugged mountainous spot. I love living in the heart of a big city…but… it sure makes you enjoy getting out of it. This years trip was to the Mt Ranier area of the Cascade mountains….breathtaking hiking above the tree line.
Last years trip was to the Aspen area of the Rockies in the fall just as the snow was starting to build. Great climbing around the famous ” maroon bells” –
and the Continental D
The year before that was an unforgettable backpacking trip through the Grand Canyon…whiuch included an all day hike out to Clear Creek canyon to see an Indian farming settlement dating back a thousand years -where there is still evidence of their stone tools
I’ll neverĀ forget crossing the Colorado river on the long foot bridge at dawn as we began our hike out of the canyon.