This is a stunning Nicolo Gagliano from the 1760’s. Its a marvel of sculptural power and subtle craftsmanship with a timeless feel of human hands …both those that made it and those that have used it.
Nicolo , son of Alessandro, is the pinnacle of Neapolitan violin making. He passed on the tradition to his four sons – Ferdinand, Joseph being the most prominent makers of his next generation. Giuseppe (Joseph) passed the tradition onto his sons Raffaelle and Antonio – often called “the brothers nGagliano” and they brought the fine story to a close in the second half of the 19th century.
This violin, though small in size at 35.2 cm body length, has great power and clear focus. It is also quite dazzling with its luminous varnish over a shimmering ground.
It justly commands the stage at the concert master position of a mid-western orchestra