I am working on a fine cello by Giuseppe Lucci dated Roma 1972. With the top off we get a nice close-up view of his label and whimsical brand ( which refers to the “fishy” origin of his name). It was last sold through the Moennig shop to the distinguished cellist/teacher Metta Watts who has accepted the fact that she no longer needs such a fine cello. I worked on this cello many times during the years when I did all the cello work at the shop – though there was never time or the crying need to do all that could be done to make it look and sound at its very best. Now in my own shop I am able to change the bass bar and take care of all the other things inside -then, once the top is back on and I will be touching-up and restoring the”
lustrous light golden orange colored varnish” ( as justly stated on the Moennig paper). Its interesting to know an instrument for a long time and see the time is come for it to be in the hands of a player who can do justice to all its power and complexity.